On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Nathan Mills <nat...@nwacg.net> wrote:
> Would I be correct in stating that tagging an undivided 2 lane (one lane in
> each direction) highways would be improper, even if a state calls the
> highway a "trunk" for planning purposes?

No, you wouldn't.  Trunk is the proper classification for major
through routes that lack full access control in OSM, regardless of
their number of lanes, median (or lack thereof) etc.  For example, US
59 from Laredo to Houston varies between a behemoth of a freeway with
HOV lanes and a two-lane road with 30 mph speed limits in places, yet
it's a major through route throughout for intercity car, bus, and
truck traffic.

Moreover routes shouldn't be semi-randomly changing classification due
to speed limits, lane width, etc.  So just passing through a 20 mph
zone doesn't demote a road to residential status, and neither does a
75 mph Texas Farm-to-Market route become a trunk just because its
speed limit is higher than the legal speed limit in most other states.

In any event, once upon a time there were clear and consistent
definitions in the Wiki for the USA (I believe the ones currently in
"United States roads tagging" are the closest to those)... and then
they got duplicated in different places in the wiki willy-nilly and
there are now a proliferation of silly ones that are often

That said if there are isolated bits of routes that aren't major
through routes that have gotten upgraded to trunk, by all means demote
them back to their appropriate level of importance.


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