Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a federal program to encourage and
provide funding for improving pedestrian and cyclist access to schools
[1][2][3]. Municipalities that wish to apply for the program need to
provide maps showing existing walking and biking facilities, as well
as barriers to safe travel, possible infrastructure improvements, etc.
It seems OSM could help a great deal with this goal. Unfortunately,
the Virginia DOT reference guide [4] says "If GIS support is not
available, consider using Google Maps or a similar tool, to show
aerial view."

Is anyone aware of any municipalities that have used OSM for creating
a SRTS travel plan? I could imagine a great deal of useful
visualization and analytical tools that could be created to aid in
this process. One such (web?) service could take school attendance
boundaries, find all housing units contained, and present a heat map
showing what areas are in walking or biking distance using actual



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