I've started using forward/backward roles rather than north/south/east/west on relations for state highways, due to JOSM's relation editor supporting sorting by them and Nakor's tool (which was already less convenient, given that you had to upload to OSM and get the relation number) being down. I've been leaving U.S. Highways alone (Interstates don't matter either way because they're almost always dual carriageway), but this means that there's no way to check for completeness of a relation.

How much uproar would there be if I started changing to forward/backward roles in conjunction with checking for completeness? Is there any benefit to the slightly increased amount of information provided by the directional roles? Are there any other solutions? It appears from http://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/5109 that the JOSM devs are not interested in supporting directional roles.

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