On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Kate Chapman <k...@maploser.com> wrote:
> Sorry the issue was we did not have quorum and did not announce the
> meeting.  So it could not count as the annual meeting.  The
> Treasurer's report is finished (a big part of these sorts of things)
> and we can have an annual meeting.

The bylaws say a quorum "shall be determined by the Board of Directors
prior to any such meeting" or at least 10. What number has the Board

> Anyway, the plan was to have an online annual meeting, which is
> possible according to our bylaws.

Is this planned to happen this month or next?

Considering the Board's term should have expired by now I think it's
appropriate for the Board to make a formal request for nominations
ASAP, and get on with an online meeting+election within a month or so.


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