Am 18.10.2011 13:43, schrieb Greg Troxel:

I would recommend contacting the MN state gis department, which might be
part of the state highway department.  There are probably people there
who understand the rules and can point you to them.  Someone from
MassGIS was very helpful when I had questions about town lines.

As an example which won't help you in MN and IA, but will give you an
idea of how hard this can be:

In the other thread about the Massachusetts county borders, I saw (or better put, read) how messed up things can be. I slowly worked my way from Iowa through Minnesota to Wisconsin, Illinois and Ohio.

When I wanted to take a crack at Michigan (area a bit north of Detroit), I found things a bit disturbing, as someone already put in (in my opinion) very precise county borders (a good thing), added also township borders with admin_level=8 (also a good thing), but didn't connect all the township borders (a bad thing), so there were corners where 4 boundary lines met somewhat roughly (or exactly, but with two nodes on the same place).

I tried to clean this up a bit, but it looks like it is quite a bit of work... Some county lines are missing at all, and many of the township borders weren't closed (or are missing parts). Since the last edit was early this year, I don't think it's a work in progress, so I'll see what I can do cleaning this up. If anybody else knows a better way, feel free to do so, I'll be pushing Michigan back for a bit and continue westwards of Iowa.


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