> In my experience, railway data in TIGER is much less likely to be up
> to date than road data, presumably because census workers need to visit
> people that live along roads, but railways are just convenient reference
> points.  There are railroad rights-of-way in Maryland that were
> abandoned in the 1970s, complete with pulling up the rails, but were
> still listed as active in TIGER.

The problem is compounded by the fact that railway companies treat their
data as proprietary. Census frequently has to resort to secondary sources
for accurate and up-to-date rail data. Sometimes they rely on Dept of
Transportation for this data, but there is often a lag and differing views
depending on mission as to what constitutes 'active', 'abandoned',
'ownership', etc.

-- SEJ
-- twitter: @geomantic
-- skype: sejohnson8

"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen." --

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