On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 4:05 PM, Golf Geek <golfgeek2...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> After reviewing the Import/Guidelines wiki, I realize I should have posted
> here first, but here's a quick "after action report" on a recent import.
> Better late than never. :)

Why didn't you read this before the import? This should not be viewed
as optional.

> I noticed that although USGS GNIS data had been imported into OSM in the
> past, the US golf course locations provided as GNIS Locales had not been
> included.
> So, I retrieved GNIS Locales with "Golf" in the name from
> http://geonames.usgs.gov/ and saved them as OSM nodes, using these tags:
> gnis:Class = Locale
> gnis:County = [various]
> gnis:ST_alpha = [various]
> gnis:id = [various]
> leisure = golf_course
> name = [various]
> source = USGS GNIS
> From the list of ~6000 nodes, I removed any that overlapped with existing
> OSM golf_course nodes or ways.

You apparently failed to take into account how terrible GNIS spatial
accuracy can actually be:
Your node: http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/1556636801
Existing way: http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/70764331

Yes, that over a mile off. This is why the import guidelines say to
discuss it with the community FIRST. There is much collected knowledge
about imports in the community which can prevent such common mistakes.

> The remaining 4421 nodes were then added as Changeset 10168800.
> The data license is OK (USGS GNIS has been used before), and the new nodes
> should not screw up existing data (although I am sure they are not perfect),
> so hopefully this import will be a good starting point for further manual
> edits.

With nodes that are off by a mile, I am doubtful of this claim. So
far, I have only looked at that one node so far. Others, please check
more in your area. If mine is an outlier then I'll just fix it. If
there are many more that are as bad as this one, I would propose
reverting this import, especially since import guidelines were not


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