On Tue, Feb 07, 2012 at 08:26:56AM -0600, Kristian M Zoerhoff wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 07, 2012 at 07:25:27AM -0500, Josh Doe wrote:
> > 
> > For starters I tried to find one of the users, David Speakman, and
> > after a bit of searching have found his LinkedIn page, two domains
> > registered to him, from which I got his email, phone number, and
> > address. Anyone familiar with Mountain View, CA or Fort Wayne, IN (his
> > two big edit areas) willing to contact him? If so I'll send his info.
> I made a cursory attempt to contact him, but work has decided to expand to 
> fill my spare time. I can try to contact him via LinkedIn, if you can be 
> sure it's the right David (there seemed to be several when I searched).

I also tried to contact elliskev, bruck4, and several others, but again, it 
was just a cursory attempt, as I found damage in the Great Lakes region.

Is it worth trying to get moonwashed to change his/her mind about declining?


Kristian M Zoerhoff

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