On 2/16/2012 6:38 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote:

I did an state-by-state and county-by-county analysis of the road
network in the US. I focused particularly on TIGER and user-related
Results (with maps of course) are here:
I'd love to hear your ideas for further analysis, and other feedback.

A very good analysis! I have some observations, that may or may not be significant.

For the Average version increase over TIGER ways - the effects of the name expansion bot may have created the green states out west 'balrog-kun'. This might also apply to the 'Percentage untouched TIGER ways' map.

I'm surprised by the 'Percentage TIGER ways' map, in which NC and SC both have less than 50% roads as TIGER roads. Just to confirm that this is for roads only and no hydrography or other ways?

  Once again, thanks - I like to see this sort of information!

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