On 2/17/2012 10:05 AM, Martijn van Exel wrote:
On the topic of TIGER layers: Harry Wood made an interesting
suggestion in the comments section of my blog post on road analysis
(see other post): wouldn't it be interesting to crowdsource
particularly problematic (in terms of alignment) areas of TIGER data?
What do you think? (How) could that work?

I don't think that would lend itself to 'Mechanical Turk' general solutions in the way that turning circles would for example. It takes a bit of analysis to sort out - in many of the cases I've seen, intersecting roads must be untangled, changing the order at which they intersect the road in question. It would require that the crowds be well trained the the use of the OSM editor they are using.

That being said, this could be done by armchair mappers, provided that there is enough 'armchair labor' available.

Another aspect is use of improved geometry from another layer via a conflation plugin. This has been discussed several times before but I haven't had time to work on it. I've used the concept on a small scale against Mapdust reports, bringing in new TIGER data from another layer, then from JOSM's UtilsPlugin2, 'More tools' / Replace Geometry.

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