On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 6:31 AM, Alan Mintz
<alan_mintz+...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> At 2012-02-20 01:40, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
>> On 2/20/2012 4:11 AM, Alan Mintz wrote:
>>> I've been doing some work here:
>>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=35.7216&lon=-117.3273&zoom=12&layers=M
>>> , which is being rendered in zooms 13 and higher, but not at 12 or
>>> below. Most of the water feature shown by this link was removed a few
>>> days ago. When should it be rendered?
>> Mark it dirty:
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_Map#Mapnik_tile_rendering
>> It's been this way for years.
> Thanks. I thought it was sufficient to attempt to view the tile and it would
> then see that it is dirty and add it to the queue. The "must be more than 7
> days old" I did not recall, and explains the problem. Unless I missed it,
> there is at least one more description of the process on the wiki, which I
> read yesterday, which does not mention this.

That page seems a little incomplete. Your case has nothing to do with
7 days. Zoom 0-12 are not re-rendered automatically, ever.
Periodically someone will go through and mark them all as dirty,
usually after a stylesheet change that affects low zom levels. Other
than that you have to /dirty them out yourself if you want to see a
change you have made show up.


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