> From: Wim Lewis [mailto:w...@hhhh.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 11:27 PM
> To: talk-us@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Proposed import: GeoBase Coastlines into
> Northwest, Washington state
> On Sat, 24 Mar 2012 17:50:13 -0700, Paul Norman <penor...@mac.com>
> wrote:
> > I propose replacing the PGS coastlines (largely imported by blars) in
> > Northwest Washington state with GeoBase coastlines. GeoBase data
> > covers part of NW Washington state (e.g. Canadian NHD area 08HAD00
> > covers the Washington coastline from Port Angeles to Port Townsend).
> > Most of the existing PGS coastlines are scheduled for removal and this
> > is a higher accuracy data source.
> I've retraced significant chunks of the coastline around Hood's Canal
> and the Olympic Peninsula from higher-resolution imagery and occasional
> local knowledge (inlets, flats, rocks, spits). I'm all in favor of
> importing higher quality coastline, since PGS is fairly coarse, but I
> hope that it is done in a way that doesn't destroy other work that's
> been done.

I believe I've managed to preserve all the edits. The data doesn't go as far
south as the hood canal, it just covers the north coast of the Olympic
peninsula, which was largly PGS. I preserved data where I saw it was better,
but if I accidentally replaced any good data with less accurate data let me
know where and I can revert that section.

On an aside, if anyone retraces PGS coastline, please change the source=PGS

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