On Saturday, May 05, 2012 10:19:36 PM Paul Norman wrote:
> I've been looking at the NHD data from the USGS site and have noticed a few
> recent changes from how they were described on the wiki.
> 1. The viewer has changed. http://viewer.nationalmap.gov/viewer/nhd.html
> will bring up a map you can use to download NHD data. This viewer does not
> work in Chrome but does work in IE. Subregions are pre-staged downloads,
> the others will take some time before you can download.

Firefox also works.

> Subregions can be directly downloaded from
> ftp://nhdftp.usgs.gov/DataSets/Staged/SubRegions/PersonalGDB/HighResolution
> /
> Most subregions are available as a new NHD 931v210 file but some are still
> being generated.
> 2. NHD data is now available only as File Geodatabases (File GDBs, .gdb)
> and Personal Geodatabases (Personal GDBs, .mdb). My understanding is the
> default builds of QuantumGIS and GDAL on Windows can open Personal GDBs.
> On linux gdal can be compiled with drv_mdb or the pgeo driver can be used
> for Personal GDBs, or the filegdb driver can be used for File GDBs. This is
> moderately technical.

I was able to download a .shp file from the viewer.  It had changes in it date 
in 2012, so I assume that it is current.


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