I think I came up with a rare possibility for error.
The original "st something st" was manually expanded to "st something
street"  your checking for a single st, and there would be.  Or am I
missing another check?  I can't think of any other situations besides Saint
and Street like this.  Possibly check it is at the end of the name or only
followed by a N S E ect.

Or just save those for a second pass at expanding either by another script
or by hand.

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 4:08 PM, Serge Wroclawski <emac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been testing a script to do this.
> Here it is:
> http://www.emacsen.net/tiger.py
> It needs to be fed a file. I've been using the state files from geofabrik.
> the resulting files in expansions can then be fed to a script for upload.
> I welcome feedback on the script and the resulting output.
> - Serge
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