On 17/05/2012 03:44, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
On 5/16/2012 10:42 PM, Dale Puch wrote:
You might check with the OpenSeaMap guys

Surely at one of them is paying attention to tagging@?


Yes, we are paying attention!

What is it that you wish to map? If it is for inclusion in the OpenSeaMap map, then the tagging needs to be in accordance with: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenSeaMap/Seamark_Tag_Values

If it is information of a more general nature, then use whatever OSM conventions are commonly used in USA.

I am working on an S57-to-OSM convertor that would enable the public domain charts to be converted to OSM files, readable by JOSM. Unlike other tools out there, it knows all about inland waterway features as per the iENC specifications currently being developed (http://ienc.openecdis.org/)

I have been testing it on both the European inland charts (RIS, WSV, etc) as well the NOAA charts. It is nearly ready for public release.


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