There have been several threads about import guidelines and building imports lately. Still, nobody is ever concerned with the data size and performance issues that will surely be caused by expanded imports of building and lot outlines (as discussed recently for Bakersfield, California). Shouldn't we have a plan to deal with this before it becomes a bigger problem?

Personally, I wish that all those that want to import building outlines would first think about the existing street network (this, after all, being OpenSTREETMap). So much of the US is still unedited TIGER 2005 data - mis-aligned, poorly connected, stale-named, and missing lots of new construction from the peak to the end of the housing boom.

Shouldn't we endeavor to make the street network accurate before anything else? That's the only way to get people to actually use the map and then, hopefully, contribute to it. I've done years of editing in southern California and still have to use Bing or Google Maps when I go someplace I (or one of the other handful of mappers in this huge area) haven't mapped, just for reliability.

Alan Mintz <>

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