I just found out that I can overlay the latest TIGER data (2011) on JOSM
and Potlatch. Apparently the feature has been there for a while, but I just
ran into it and wanted to make sure everyone else was aware.  It is much
better than running TIGER data through org2osm and overlaying it in JOSM.
With this feature, you get can get the roads and names on top of a Bing
image.  Makes it easy to add new roads into OSM. You do have to expand the
names, for example E Elm St. into East Elm Street.  And when two roads
connect, there is not clear dividing line between the roads, but usually
you can tell.  The feature is shown on the wiki at:

So, whoever added this feature, thank you very much.


I have promised to cut down on my swearing and drinking, which I have.
 Unfortunately, this has left me dim-witted and nearly speechless. Adapted
from *The Lion* by Nelson DeMille


If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
 Albert Einstein
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