Brooklyn actually does come up way down in the Nominatim list..  I
think part of the confusion may be that this is technically Kings
County (which renders invalid the possibility of using the
administrative level of county as the key for the boroughs).

Boroughs are somewhat unique beasts to New York I think.  Each Borough
has a president, a Borough Hall and it's own very well defined
boundaries.  Categorically speaking they are "under" county in terms
of land mass but for recognizability the boroughs - and their
politicians and administrative errata - are both more visible and
recognizable to most people.

If anyone knows of anywhere with a similar situation I'd be very
interested to see how that place is structured and defined.

On Jul 29, 2012, at 11:47 PM, Serge Wroclawski <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm going to discuss this with the local NYC community (some of which
> are on this list) but I'm going through NYC and I'm looking for things
> that aren't right.
> I've tried to do some nominatim queries and the results have been
> frustrating at best.
> Some of these appear to be TIGER related, some Nominatim related, but
> the result is pretty awful.
> Let's begin two symptoms, then we can drill down:
> 1. Brooklyn doesn't show up in Nomiminatim, at all. To put this in
> context, Brooklyn is the most populated borough of NYC, with a
> population of 2.5 million people, and it doesn't show up when doing a
> search.
> 2. Manhattan shows up, twice, but only after places like Manhattan,
> Montana. Manhattan is "New York, New York"- and the most densely
> populated borough in New York. It's also major business and cultural
> hub known around the world.
> 3. The other boroughs also show up twice, as islands and hamlets. This
> is wrong, of course, but at least they show up on a search.
> So, what comes up when you look for Manhattan are two place IDs:
> Those are two nodes, one claiming Manhattan is an island, the other
> claiming it's a hamlet.
> Perhaps we need a proper administrative boundry for the borough?
> Brooklyn, I did find reference to in the NYC place ID:
> But for some reason it didn't show up in the search!
> Do we have a source for NYC administrative boundaries?
> And what are boroughs in terms of "place"? I'm thinking county- though
> that's not right. Certainly the populations should be added.
> Thoughts?
> - Serge
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