On Aug 2, 2012 2:19 PM, "John F. Eldredge" <j...@jfeldredge.com> wrote:
> What is an "emergency Interstate"?  I don't think I have ever heard that
phrase before.  Is it a detour to be used while the Interstate highway is
under repair?

For when the mainline is closed due to emergency, in locations where this
is prone to happen regularly or when an interstate would need excess
capacity to handle evacuation volume.  Typically forms a loop between two
junctions on adjacent parallel routes that becomes a one way loop in case
of emergency closure or add extra lanes when all available routes go away
from a disaster.

One such example exists along Oregon's I5 corridor.  Intersections that are
traversed by the emergency route are closed to cross traffic in most cases,
and locations where the route turns at a junction typically have a ramp to
straighten out what would otherwise be a tight turn, usually gated such
that the ramp is inaccessible under normal circumstances but becomes the
only way through when it's operating as the interstate.
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