Phil! Gold <> writes:

> * Toby Murray <> [2012-08-14 23:26 -0500]:
>> I know there is some disagreement about road classification,
>> especially when it comes to trunk but I'm pretty sure most people
>> would agree that this is incorrect. Thoughts?
> I agree with your assessment.
> In my opinion, road classifications are most useful when applied over
> significant stretches of road.  I don't think a rural freeway that has
> someone's driveway on it needs to be dropped from motorway to trunk around
> that driveway, and I don't think a divided expressway with mostly at-grade
> intersections but a few interchanges should be upgraded from trunk to
> motorway around the interchanges.

I agree.  I think that the distance of road over which 'is it a
motorway' should be asked is somewhere between 2 and 5 miles; certainly
between 1 and 20.

An example is route 2 in massachusetts, which has classification
changes, but the trunk/motorway/primary stretches are pretty long.

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