Martijn -

Again, fantastic stuff. I'm hooked.

Do you have any stats on the tool's usage that you can publish?

On Aug 31, 2012, at 11:17 PM, Martijn van Exel <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I want to add The Remap-A-Tron to the ever growing list of tools
> designed to support the ongoing remapping effort.
> Although this tool currently only covers the US, it would be
> relatively straightforward (given proper server resources) to deploy
> it for other regions or even worldwide, which is why I include talk@
> as well.
> What it does is pretty straightforward - at least for the user. It
> serves up a Mapnik map with an overlay showing one redaction-deleted
> major road (motorway - tertiary). By looking at the Mapnik map you
> should be able to quickly determine whether that way has already been
> remapped. If it is, hit the 'flag as remapped' button and you're on to
> the next deleted way. If it isn't, you can either remap it straight
> away - there's links for JOSM as well as Potlatch - or skip it and
> leave it for someone else. There's buttons as well as shortcut keys to
> make cycling through the deleted ways as efficient as possible.
> The selection of deleted ways is pseudo-random so you might find
> yourself looking at the same way twice in one session.
> But wait - all deleted ways? Aren't many of them already remapped?
> Yes, they are. This is where my Fairy Dust alogorithm comes in. It
> detects with some accuracy if a way has already been remapped so you
> should see mostly non-remapped ways. If enough people (currently 3)
> agree that a way has already been remapped, it won't show up again.
> Some more background on this tool is here -
> In the two days since I first soft-launched this through my blog, IRC
> and twitter, the number of non-remapped major class ways in the US has
> gone down from 1863 to 1692, and my hope is to get that number down to
> zero in a number of days. If and when that happens, I can easily tweak
> the tool to include non-major roads (there are some 15K of those not
> remapped in the US alone, or so Fairy Dust tells me). The tool can
> also be repurposed for other (re-)mapping tasks altogether - let me
> know your ideas.
> Let me know if it's useful / how it can be improved. The code will be
> on github soon but I can tell you now it's not very pretty.
> -- 
> martijn van exel
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