On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 12:36 PM, Peter Dobratz <pe...@dobratz.us> wrote:
> I contacted a new mapper in my area and asked if he had any questions about
> editing the map.  He asked about adding swamps to the map using the
> in-browser editor.  I was about to respond that he could use natural=wetland
> for such things, but I wanted to make sure that I gave him instructions that
> made sense.  Since I almost exclusively use JOSM, I decided to fire up
> Potlatch 2 and try to add a swamp.  Using the simple interface, there
> doesn't appear to be any good way to do it.  Did I miss something?  Is the
> best answer to this question that he should switch to the advanced interface
> and type natural for the key and wetland for the value? (Or just switch to
> JOSM?)

I use both P2 and JOSM and tend to leave P2 in advanced mode.  I'm old
school. I type my tags. :-)

Yes, natural=wetland is fine.

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