Hi all,

You may have been following the news around SOTM Tokyo which has just
wrapped up last night. Always a significant event at SOTM is the
Annual General Meeting of the OSM Foundation, and the (re-)election of
board members.

I don't think there's an official count yet, but I understand that
Simon Poole and Frederik Ramm were elected to the board, and Henk Hoff
was re-elected for another term. I am sure an official announcement
will follow on the OSMF blog.

Which brings me to our local Chapter board elections, which will be
held as part of the Chapter AGM at our 'local' conference - the SOTM
US in Portland, on October 14 (exact date still tentative). Exact
details will follow soon, but I want to point out a few things that
you may want to think about as the elections draw near:

1) Only paid-up members of the US chapter can be nominated for a seat
on the board, and only paid-up members of the chapter can vote in the
elections for the chapter board. So consider joining now if you want
to make a difference! Note that you will also get a significant
discount on the registration fee for SOTM PDX if you join now -->
2) If you're considering a board seat and you want to get an idea of
what it entails, browse our meeting minutes [1], listen in on the next
meeting (this Thursday at 5PM Pacific, details see the chapter wiki)
or talk directly to one of the board members. I plan to post an
informal report on my perspectives on a year of serving on the Chapter
board on my blog sometime soon - I will let you know if and when that


martijn van exel

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