On 9/11/12 11:27 AM, Charlotte Wolter wrote:

        Yes, it looks really different. Thanks!
If you have time, a few blocks further north, around Mission Boulevard, missing streets reappear. Actually the 2012 stuff looks better than earlier unedited TIGER. Maybe they are getting better?
a lot of the tiger looks the same, but for some of the really awful areas, tiger 2011/12 looks a great deal better. i'm planning on some selective replacement of unedited bad tiger data with newer, better
tiger in upstate NY as i find areas where tiger has improved a lot.

Ian's tiger layers are invaluable for this as you can bring 2011 or 2012 directly up underneath the imported ways and then toggle back and forth between imagery and the tiger layers to see whether
there is a real improvement for an area.


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