On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 6:26 PM, Michal Migurski <m...@stamen.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We're getting ready to do a major data update to the Stamen Terrain layer and 
> I've been working on scrubbing the route relations data from OSM. I've linked 
> to a before and after CSV, processed via Google Refine to normalize networks, 
> refs and modifiers.
> I'm curious to get some feedback on it:
>         http://mike.teczno.com/img/osm-scrubbed-routes-2012-09.zip
> The associated code:
>         https://gist.github.com/3915267

Reviewing a diff, I see pretty much all of the relations I have
created are unchanged soo... looks great! :)

More seriously, I do like the idea of having the county name in there
for county roads. But I haven't done any county routes myself yet so
my opinions are not particularly strong.

Looking at the diff visually I see a lot of either moving modifiers to
their own tag or removing the duplicated modifier from the network
tag. I guess the question there is, should the various loops,
bypasses, truck routes, etc be considered as part of the same network
as the unmodified highway. For example if I do a tag query for
network=US:I and ref=376, should it return the business route as well
as the base US 376 route?


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