On Oct 24, 2012, at 5:01 PM, Chris Lawrence wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 12:28 PM, Michal Migurski <m...@stamen.com> wrote:
>> NE2 asked me to revert the changes, because he's unhappy with me moving the 
>> route variant information from the ref tags to the modifier tags, e.g. 
>> turning "ref=80 Business" into "ref=80 modifier=Business". According to the 
>> supported tagging guidelines on Aperiodic, my interpretation should be 
>> correct: "The value of the ref tag on the relation must contain just the 
>> route number, without any network information." 
>> http://elrond.aperiodic.net/shields/supported.html
> ...
> As far as what to do from here... damned if I know.  I don't think
> anyone wants NE2 banned (he's a dedicated armchair mapper and
> contributes a lot to OSM, even if he's somewhat pigheaded in applying
> his own particular approaches in places where it's not as clear he has
> a lot of local knowledge), but at the same time he doesn't seem to be
> willing to concede on this point which IMO has become an obstacle to
> improving the map as-used by Skobbler, Mapbox, Stamen, Cloudmade,
> Mapquest etc downstream.  I guess my advice would be to proceed but be
> cautious of blowback.

That's what I've ultimately decided to do. I'm in semi-regular conversation 
with NE2 offlist, and while I'm happy with my own changes and stand by them, I 
also have no interest in an edit war or a situation where NE2's valuable 
contributions are put in jeopardy. If he feels strongly enough to revert them, 
I'd be okay with that.

I have no opinion on the network vs. modifier question, but I do believe that 
ref tags should be usable as-is in a renderer, so that's the direction my 
changes have taken. I'll let this all sit for a while, to see where it winds up 
in a few weeks.


michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html

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