Please read my email again. All I did was update the TIGER 2012 road
name tiles. I am not touching OSM data at all!

But please do take a look at the road name tiles in the areas you have
mentioned and see if they are correct. Cases that were incorrectly
handled before are an interesting test for the new tiles.


On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 9:32 AM, Paul Johnson <> wrote:
> Oh, and they're flat out hosed in the Tulsa County area, particularly at the
> same latitude as Broken Arrow (TIGER carries Broken Arrow-specific street
> names into Tulsa City improperly).
> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 9:23 AM, Charlotte Wolter <>
> wrote:
>> Toby,
>>         We do have to be careful with these. An earlier effort created
>> some incorrect tagging in the Four Corners area, where I map,
>>         --W Road (a county road in SW Colorado) ended up as West Road and
>> S Road as South Road.
>>         --And, N36 (for Navajo 36) ended up as North 36, as did a lot of
>> Navajo roads. It took me a while to figure out what was happening. Luckily I
>> have a contact at Navajo Division of Transportation, who assured me they
>> have no roads named "North."
>>         I still find these from time to time, so a lot of incorrect tags
>> were created.
>>         But, if you've got a good way to do it, great! It sure is tedious
>> to do them manually.
>> Charlotte
>> At 01:40 PM 11/18/2012, you wrote:
>> As we briefly discussed during the virtual mappy hour last week, I
>> have managed to wrangle some TIGER data and do some automated
>> expansion of abbreviated street names on the TIGER road name tiles.
>> The results can be seen in a new tile layer. You can preview it here:
>> I just added the appropriate URLs for the new layer to the TIGER 2012
>> page on the wiki so you can use them in JOSM and Potlatch as well:
>> Since this is a brand new tile layer, nothing is cached in the CDN so
>> requests might be a little slower than normal at first.
>> I am fairly certain about the accuracy of the process and the checks I
>> have performed all came back with good results. But of course TIGER
>> being such a large and varied data set, there might be an odd edge
>> case lurking somewhere so it would be great if some people could check
>> their areas and make sure they don't see anything odd.
>> The other tweak I made after a suggestion from Ian was to draw the
>> tiles in two layers. One drawn first with only lines and then another
>> layer with only names on top of it. This means that road names will
>> always appear on top of road lines. This avoids roads obscuring names
>> and improves readability.
>> Technical details: This was *not* done by doing simple string
>> matching. I downloaded all of the "Feature Names Relationship" files
>> which contain separate fields with codes for directional, type and
>> qualifier prefixes/suffixes. Then I composed the name one element at a
>> time from these fields. This gave me a mapping from TLID to expanded
>> street name which I then imported into a new column in the existing
>> table that is used to render the tiles. Then it was just a simple
>> matter of telling the mapnik style to look at the new expanded name
>> column.
>> Toby
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