On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
> Jeff Meyer wrote:
>> Ok... this is sort of an import question, but how do we / should we
>> credit each imported item with a link or tie to the appropriate use
>> statement / contributor?
> source= is just for "showing your working". It is not a means of providing
> attribution. That should be done on the wiki /Contributors page and (in
> extremis, for national-level imports) on osm.org/copyright. If the
> attribution is really long, link to a sub-page off /Contributors.
> On objects, "source=data.seattle.gov" will do fine. Please don't repeat the
> mistake of the French cadastre import where every single fricking object has
> "source=© Directeur General des Impôts La Plume De Ma Tante Mais Où Sont Les
> Neiges d'Antan" or whatever it is.


Any source tags on map objects should just have a short string that
indicates a general direction. For data I will be working on it will
likely be "Riley County GIS" or similar. It is mostly for mappers to
easily see that this data came from an external entity and not from an
OSMer doing a ground survey. If a mapper changes the object based on
ground truth, they should be free to change or remove the source=*

More detail can be put on the changeset tags such as the source:url
and source:ref or whatever other such tags are dreamed up. (I would
also suggest an import=yes tag for good measure) Changeset tags can't
be modified once the changeset is closed so they are a more permanent
record. There is no need to create 10s of gigabytes worth of data by
repeating these tags on every address node in the US.


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