Hi Jason,

This is likely far superior to interpolation.  Looking forward to more
discussion on how a high quality import might happen.  You can likely learn
a lot by keeping track of the Seattle discussion


On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 6:47 PM, Jason Remillard

> Hi,
> I am not sure if anybody is actually working on importing the tiger
> address ranges or not. Just in case somebody is ... The Massachusetts
> mapping department (MassGIS) just this week released data for all of the
> buildings in the state!
> http://www.mass.gov/anf/research-and-tech/it-serv-and-support/application-serv/office-of-geographic-information-massgis/datalayers/structures.html
> MassGIS also has very good parcel data with addresses. I think we have at
> this point everything we need to do an address import into each building,
> rather than using address interpolation. For MA, using the state data
> instead of the tiger data would probably be better.
> Jason.
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