
On 10 December 2012 22:59, Martijn van Exel <m...@rtijn.org> wrote:
> * What has been attempted before? Did it work? Why (not)?

I won't be in the meeting but there's a (small) dataset that could be
used for analyses of whether automated welcome messages work.  I'm not
planning to produce statistics myself but others can run the
statistics that they see useful.  We're sending automated welcome
messages to users who's first node edit is within Poland and some two
months ago after talking to Paul Norman I changed the logic to only
send the message to ~75% of those users so that the other ~25% could
be used for comparisons with a good probability that the receiving of
the message is independent from other factors.

Roughly all editing users with UIDs >= 813385 and not divisible by 4
were greeted and those divisible by 4 were not (note that the order of
messages is based on the time of first edit, not on the UID).  The
sample is still small, we see about 4 new users a day on average.

I maintain a simple python api to send OSM messages[1] and if it is
decided that it would be good to start welcoming users in a different
region with a specific message I can add that fairly easily if the
rate of new users is below the rate of messages allowed by rails port.


1. https://github.com/balrog-kun/osm-scripts

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