Paul - can you elaborate on the point about users being blocked if not
using a dedicated account?

The guidelines don't point this out & it seems contrary to the spirit of
there being no "right" way of doing things in OSM. (Not a policy I agree
with, but que sera...).

Who does the blocking?

Thanks, Jeff

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 6:49 PM, Paul Norman <> wrote:

> A couple of initial comments: ****
> ** **
> Has some kind of simplify been run on the data? Although most of the
> buildings are quite good some of the curved ones are overnoded (e.g.
> ** **
> If your documentation conflicts with the requirements of the import
> guidelines (
> around a dedicated account it may lead to people importing your data
> getting blocked.****
> ** **
> You’ve asked for a check of the reprojection in the data directory but I
> don’t actually see a data directory anywhere. Could you provide a link?
> ****
> *From:* Jason Remillard []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, December 12, 2012 5:15 PM
> *To:*;
> *Subject:* [Talk-us] MassGIS Building Import Start****
> ** **
> Hello Everybody,****
>  ****
> I would like to kick off the MassGIS building import. This following is
> copy/paste from the current wiki (
> The
> external links will work on the wiki.****
>  ****
> --------------------------****
>  ****
> On Dec, 2012 MassGIS <> released
> a high quality data layer for all 
> buildings<>
>  in
> the entire state of MA. Previously 
> MassGIS<> only
> had buildings for Boston and its nearby suburbs.****
> The plan is as follows.****
> *Source Data License*
> All MassGIS <> data is in the
> public domain. See MassGIS <> page,
> and talk-us 
> archives<>
>  for
> detailed discussion. A previous (incomplete) version of this data that
> covers the Boston area has already been imported.****
> From the MA Secretary of state Office Frequently Asked 
> Questions<>,
> first question is****
> What records are public?****
> Every document, paper, record, *map*, photograph, etc., as defined by
> law, that is made or received by a government entity or employee is
> presumed to be a public record****
> From the MA Secretary of state Duplication 
> Services<>,
> last section.****
> Records created by Massachusetts government are not copyrighted and are
> available for public use. Copyright for materials submitted to state
> agencies may be held by the person or organization that created the
> document. Patrons are responsible for clearing copyright on such materials.
> For more information on copyright law, please see the U.S. Copyright
> Office's web page at****
> *Scripts*
> A script was written to convert MassGIS shp files to OSM file. Each town
> has its own zip. Inside of the zip is two OSM files. The first file has all
> of the buildings, the second file has only the buildings missing from OSM.
> This has been completed, data is 
> here<>.
> jremillard will update these files. The scripts used for the shape to OSM
> conversion are also at the same link as the data.****
> *Status Tracking*
> A google docs 
> spreadsheet<>
>  will
> be used to track progress on each town. People helping with the import will
> be able to claim a town, mark as town as already building complete, or mark
> it as "skip" for the final automated import because of data problems.****
> *Who Is Doing This*
> So far OSM users ingalls and jremillard are working on the import. We will
> work on getting as much help as possible.****
> *Getting Help*
> Use the MA osm database extract to get a list of users that have added 10
> or more buildings in 2012. We will contact these users and ask if could
> help with the import. Not completed.****
> *Manual Imports - Step 1*
> It is expected that users doing the town by town import will use their *normal
> osm accounts*. The 
> data<>
>  will
> be download into JOSM, visually inspected, fixing any problems, then
> uploaded.****
> *Schema*
> The OSM files that are in the ZIP file will only be tagged with
> building=yes.****
> The MassGIS building STRUCT_ID will not be included. First, MassGIS made
> no attempt at preserving the STRUCT_ID when they updated the data set to
> include the entire state. The MassGIS STRUCT_ID, is based on X,Y centroid,
> when they updated the building locations, all of the ids changed. Second,
> No actual scenario came up in the discussion on why somebody might want to
> link the OSM structure back to the MassGIS data. In fact, nobody could come
> up with a case where previous imports that did include the original id
> turned out to be useful to somebody. Thirdly, if somebody really, really
> does need to link the OSM building to the MassGIS source layer, they can
> always link them them based on the building centriods of the two sets, and
> to get even more precision, rolling the change sets back to the import time
> and doing a more exact match will always be possible. Basically, the
> STRUCT_ID is redundant with the actual building geometry. Lastly, including
> the STRUCT_ID is not free. It will be confusing to future mappers. What to
> do with the STRUCT_ID, when a building is moved, deleted, or copied/
> pasted? The wiki will not have this tag documented, it will not be clear
> what it is for. If even one fix is not made because of confusion over the
> STRUCT_ID tag, we will have lowered the final quality of the map for no
> apparent benefit.****
> *Credit*
> Credit to MassGIS will be included in all changeset comments. It will read
> as follows *Building Structures (2-D, from 2011-2012 Ortho Imagery) -
> Office of Geographic Information (MassGIS), Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
> Information Technology Division*. No source tag will be used on the
> buildings themselves. See 
> talk-us<>
>  archive
> for a discussion. By including the credit in the change comment, it does
> not need to be managed by future mappers who will be correcting/improving
> on the data. For the people that want to know where specific data came
> from, the change history on the way will have all the needed information.*
> ***
> *Automated Import - Step 2 - Project Completion*
> Sometime after May 2013, the towns that have not been imported by hand or
> marked as "skip" will be imported directly by an automated script. This
> automated script will done under its own account. This script has not been
> written yet.****
> -------------------------****
> The import has been added to the catalog page. ****
>  ****
> Omitting of the source tag, and massgis::id tag have already been
> discussed in talk-us. People where going both ways, but I would like to
> skip them at outlined above. However, we need help more than we need to get
> our way! If you feel strongly about the id and source tag, sign up to
> import a bunch of towns by hand and we can be made to change coarse.****
>  ****
> The user account has not been discussed yet. I am hoping to get some
> guidance. We are planning on using our own accounts on the "hand" imports.
> The automated import at the end of the project will get its own account,
> which I think is intention of the import guidlines wiki. If this is not
> acceptable, and we in fact do need our own account for each hand imported
> town, I will make a new OSM account, and give out its password out to
> everybody that asks for it to do the import. ****
>  ****
> The last area I would like some help on. Could somebody look at the script
> in the data directory and verify that the MassGIS datum was correctly
> converted to the OSM datum. The output data is well aligned visually, but I
> have been warned in a private email that messing this up will results
> in < 1 meter error, which may not be apparent with a visual inspection.***
> *
> Thats it!****
> Jason****
>  ****
>  ****
>  ****
> _______________________________________________
> Imports mailing list

Jeff Meyer
Global World History Atlas
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