On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 7:50 AM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> 2. If you cannot be bothered to fix problems then why should others be?
> What is your plan for growing the community to a point where it can
> maintain the data you plan to dump onto OSM?

What's an acceptable error rate? 0?

What's the error rate for manual entry? I'd suggest that if Jason hits 1
error in 500 whatevers, that that's lower than manual entry.

What are some specific examples of costs expected to be incurred by
importing the building outlines the Massachusetts OSM community has

Could concerns about errors be addressed by a manual, building-by-building
QA process that might address any error issues? What can he *do* to address
your concerns?

Rather than addressing the imports=good vs. imports=bad discussion, what
are the steps Jason hasn't addressed that should be included in order to
make sure that we are minimizing the potential for introducing problems
into the OSM database.

- Jeff
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