On 12/20/2012 05:03 PM, Adam Franco wrote:
> * Has anyone located a good source for state or national road surface data?
> The TIGER data doesn't seem to include surface information as far as I can
> tell.

The VCGI EmergencyE911_RDS file has a field for this. Unfortunately,
58773 out of 64302 values (91%) are "Unknown".

The VCGI license doesn't explicitly give the permissions needed for OSM,
but when I asked to use the town boundaries layer they gave permission.
(I still need to get around to that...)

> * Is this a project that the OSM community in Vermont, the broader region,
> or nationally (assuming data is available) would support? I'd rather not do
> a lot of work to prepare it if there is no desire for inclusion in the data
> set.

I'd support it.

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