On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 12:23 AM, Toby Murray <toby.mur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As mentioned previously on talk-us, I made contact with the Riley
> county GIS department and got access to their data. Since then I have
> been analyzing and working with the data. I believe I am nearing a
> point at which I can proceed with some imports based on this data.
> There are a few different data sets, each of which will be handled
> individually. The biggest one is an address import of about 20,000
> points. I don't have many fellow mappers around here but I have
> brought it up with a few occasional users and they do not have a
> problem with this. As stated on the wiki page, I am hoping to use the
> church data to involve some of them in the process.
> I have documented the different data sets, the conversion files and
> posted .osm files for review on the following wiki page:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Kansas/Riley_County
> As noted on that page, the address import still needs more processing.
> In particular there are two special cases that I'm not quite sure what
> to do with For now I have marked them with FIXME tags in the .osm
> file.
> One is apartments. Each apartment has its own point in the county
> data. They are spaced apart from each other somewhat arbitrarily. My
> current thought is to discard the apartment number and merge the nodes
> down to a single node per unique addr:housenumber value. I would place
> this node either at the building center or at a stairwell if it can be
> identified. This is how I mapped my own apartment complex some time
> ago as can be seen here: http://osm.org/go/T59wjkyXy--
> The other special case is trailer parks. Two of the biggest ones have
> one full address point in the middle of the park. Then on each unit
> they have a point with nothing but the lot number. I'm not actually
> sure how residents in these parks write their mailing address so I'm
> not quite sure how to handle it in this data. Some of the smaller
> parks are marked similarly to apartments with duplicated housenumbers
> and then a lot number added on. I may just exclude the trailer parks
> for a first import and come back to them later.
> I plan on doing the county, state and park boundaries in the next few
> days. The addresses will likely take a few more days to fix up so that
> one might wait until after Christmas.
> Comments welcome.
> Toby

I put some more time into this and have made progress. I ended up
completely redoing the address file. The building points shapefile did
not have a city name in it so I joined the building points with the
parcel polygons which do have a city in the address field. After
several regexes and a few hours of manual merging, correcting and
checking of data I think I have a pretty good data set. I do however
have some questions where I would like some advice.

Apartments. As discussed previously, I left off all individual
apartment numbers and consolidated down to one node per building. In
most cases this was straightforward since each building has its own
unique addr:housenumber. However a couple of apartment complexes share
a single street number with several buildings, each with a building
letter. In the county data this was seen as "Apt G101" and "Apt H101"
and so forth. I still consolidated down to buildings but wasn't sure
what to do with the building letter. I ended up putting them in
addr:housename tags. So there are some nodes that share duplicate
addr:housenumber values but have addr:housename tags to differentiate
them. Is this appropriate? If you open the second address file linked
on the wiki page[1] about this import you can do a search for
"addr:housename" and find them.

There does seem to be a little fuzziness around zip codes. Sometimes
different fields in the shapefile conflicted with each other. I have
fixed a few by hand that were obviously wrong but there are still a
few I'm not sure about. This does seem to be the least accurate part
of the data set. But even then, it is going to be a few tens of zip
codes out of 20,000 addresses that are off so it is still batting a
pretty high average.

I did leave mobile home parks out of the data for now. I intend to do
some more research to figure out how best to handle them.

There are 17 nodes with FIXME=* tags. These are new properties that
are located on street corners and have this as the address in the
county shapefile: "<address 1> OR <address 2>". I made a best guess
based on the parcel information but added the FIXME tags to make note
that they need to be manually surveyed. I actually know someone who
lives in that part of town and has shown some interest in OSM but
hasn't done any editing yet. I'm hoping maybe I can convince him to go
survey them :)

I believe the only thing left to do on the addresses is to merge them
with addresses that have already been mapped. I will try to use Paul
Norman's addressmerge tool[2]. My first attempt ended in failure but
that was because I didn't have addr:city tags which it counts on to
ensure uniqueness. Now that I have these tags merged in from the
parcel file it will hopefully go much better.

[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Kansas/Riley_County#Imports
[2] https://github.com/pnorman/addressmerge


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