I heard from a few of you, so thanks a ton! I just realized this will be a
lot easier if I give you the local groups I already have on my list. If you
organize *or are a member of* (or just know of) a local user group from
somewhere other than the areas listed below, please let me know ASAP!

New York
Washington, DC
San Francisco (I'm combining this with Sunnyvale, but let me know if that's
incorrect and they are really two separate entities)
St Louis
Salt Lake City

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 2:47 PM, Kathleen Danielson <
kathleen.daniel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Calling all OSM Local User Group organizers--
> Over the last several weeks I have reached out to many of you, but I am
> certain that I missed a few. I am working on wrapping my initial findings
> on the local OSM communities in the US, but I want to ensure that you're
> all represented.
> If we have NOT directly connected about your local OSM group, please shoot
> me a quick note to let me know that and I'll have some follow up questions
> for you after that. Nothing taxing or time-consuming, I swear!
> Thanks!
> Kathleen
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