(While both are important, I begin this thread In the interests of taking this list out of the OSM social and more into the OSM technical/practical):

I have questions about landuse polygons. For example, barracks, where soldiers are quartered (housed) inside of a military base. A polygon surrounding the military base (where the boundary is) with the tag landuse=military seems correct, indeed there are many examples. For the barracks specifically, do I draw the buildings and tag them building=residential? Sure, that seems correct, too.

But, do I also add a polygon with landuse=residential to the "zone" or "neighborhood" where the barracks are clustered? This would be a double-overlap of landuse polygons, residential "on top of" or "within" military. Sure, I could make the landuse=military a multipolygon (outer member) and punch a hole in it with the barracks neighborhood as an inner polygon, but in so doing we lose the semantic that barracks are BOTH military AND housing. At the same time, we don't want to approach or achieve coding for the renderer.

Similar questions arise with "other" (non-landuse) tags which might logically be applied "over" one another. An example is a (say, largely wooded) leisure=park polygon with several landuse=meadow polygons sprinkled about it. In this case, leisure and landuse ARE distinct tags, so no double-overlap is strictly happening. And in mapnik, the effect is rather pleasing. (See, for example, http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=36.98499083518982&lon=-122.0841121673584&zoom=15).

In a nearby case, a leisure=park is so largely wooded that a natural=wood tag is ALSO applied to the entire park multipolygon, but there are also some landuse=meadow polygons sprinkled about. Here, we have three different polygon tags: leisure, landuse and natural. Mapnik handles this well, again with a pleasing effect (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=36.98982&lon=-122.11378&zoom=17&layers=M).

While these parks (woods, meadows) "look good" in mapnik, are such superimposed polygons the correct representation in the underlying OSM data?

Is the correct answer to never double-overlap landuse (or any like-tagged) polygons, but to use multipolygons with inner members? What about where the semantics really include "both," like barracks?

Thanks for an enlightened discussion about superimposed polygons (with both same and different tags),


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