Greg Troxel <> wrote:
 I will concede that my view is contradictory to what's documented.  But
 I think there's a fundamental semantic confusion lurking, in that
boundaries are linear features, and properties of land belong as area features.

Apollinaris Schoell <> answered:
welcome to osm. forget clean semantic and strict definitions.
Yes it doesn't make any sense for someone with a understanding of traditional systems and technology. take the path vc. footway discussion as an example. It's still not unified and about every couple months someone starts the discussion again with no progress. almost all tags in osm are a "mess" but data consumers have learned to live with it. Don't change a running system ...

I'm not sure about a "fundamental semantic confusion" lurking, and I hereby ask Greg to share with us an existence proof of such a thing regarding boundaries. Consider "boundary" and you might think of the very local one-dimensional act of "crossing it" or "there is this side of it and that side of it." To my mind's understanding of geometry, OSM's wiki documenting "boundary" as areas seems 100% correct: name a boundary that does not actually describe the inside vs. the outside of an area. You can't do it, can you? We live on the surface of a planet, making what maps describe essentially two-dimensional. Sure, there are objects on Earth we might agree it is convenient to describe as one-dimensional. You might find a fence on a boundary that runs only part way around it, meaning that the fence has endpoints. But though that allows us to agree the fence is one-dimensional, the boundary isn't, it is two-dimensional: it describes an area. What semantic confusion?

Well, OK: our wiki page for Boundaries (plural) says "The original accepted usage was to apply this tag to areas. However, there now seems to be a consensus of using the boundary key also on linear ways, with relations used to aggregate these ways." (Like that fence?) So guess what I'm going to bring up now!

I'm glad Apo chimed in here, as it highlights something he did in his State Parks upload a few years back s germane to this discussion. In his upload of Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, he uploaded two relations: one (relation 184199) to describe the boundary, another (relation 181095) which described the area inside. Specific tags are:

Relation 184199:

Relation 181095:

(Of course, both relations also have additional, identical tags, like "name=Anza-Borrego Desert State Park").

This seems odd from a "what the wiki says" perspective: supposedly, only when boundary=administrative is defined is the associated "combo tag" of admin_level also "allowed" to be used. Yet here, Apo instead uses boundary=national_park + admin_level=4 (+ type=boundary to describe the type of relation). In mapnik, it works: this combination produces admin_level=4 green-dashing AROUND the park: its boundary. It seems what is going on is admin_level is paid attention to (by JOSM, by mapnik...) even when boundary=administrative is not present, but boundary=national_park is present. OK, now we know that.

The other relation draws the AREA of the INSIDE of the park: the leisure=park tag in this second relation renders the light-green park "fill color." (I'm pretty sure I'm getting this right; I don't want to go yanking out tags and playing around, but maybe I should. Maybe Ian sets up a sandbox server where Dane allows mapnik style sheet changes for some experimentation. That is an off-list email conversation I'm part-having).

In short, Apo has discovered that using two relations, one to "draw the boundaries" (of the members), the other to "fill in the areas" (of the members) is both effective (two relations, two items drawn as we might like to see them) and efficient (a couple of relations with a dozen or so tags, most shared/duplicated, yes, but not a terrible amount of excess storage. Oh, yes, plus polygons as members of both relations, but that should go without saying). Crucial is that two relations draw two things: edge and inside.

In simple cases where no multipolygon is required, Apo puts these (germane, there are others) tags on the simple closed polyline way (polygon):


No need to say either "type=boundary" or "type-multipolygon" since there is no relation needing its type specified, just a polygon. So leisure paints the fill-color, and boundary and admin paint the color and dashing of the "edge." And it appears mapnik gives us a pass using admin_level without boundary=administrative, as long as another rendering boundary= key-value pair is included -- though boundary=national_park seems to be the only other one that renders in a particular color.

I think I understand Greg's perspective that a boundary is the "crusty edge" of "something" but I still say that that something is a two-dimensional entity we can always say is an area (otherwise you are "being too local" and ignoring away something that would truly show it as an area). I mean always: I don't think there are any one-dimensional boundaries anywhere on Earth (I'm listening, though -- and there is that consensus of key boundary on linear ways...where?). Plus, if you want mapnik to show you this distinction between "the edge" and "the inside area" for parks, Apo has shown us a pretty, succinct and effective method for doing so.

Many questions still remain, but this is too long already. And I'm not sure I've clarified anything, just given some concrete tagging examples which allow mapnik a distinction between "crusty edge" and "gooey filling."

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