I have some questions regarding bsupnik's osm xml files made from the NHD
flowline, waterbody, line, and point shapefiles.   

I was very happy, belatedly, to find these files graciously created and hosted by
bsupnik. Fall of 2011, I worked up some ogr2osm translations to do the same thing
on shapefiles laboriously downloaded using the balky USGS National Map Viewer,
unaware of bsupnik's work.

I've read a lot about the tagging and integration issues that make bulk uploading
NHD data to OSM a bad idea.  My goal was just to use it to make a hydrography
layer for my own use, while conforming to consensus tagging conventions,
potentially to make it useful to others.

I'd love to use bsupnik's files, instead.  My main problem is that GNIS names of
streams and waterbodies aren't included.  I've seen this mentioned in this list's
archives,  but couldn't find why this is, or how to fix it.  

I looked into adding name tags from GNIS feature files, but this looks more or
less impossible. Names in feature files are attached to points.  The name point
for a tributary is often at its confluence with the stream it feeds, making the
name assignments difficult to determine mechanically.

The rest of my questions are about tags. I've looked in detail at four files
(15010014, 16040201, 17090006, and 18040011).

Three great things about bsupnik's files are that they are small, they are easy to
read by humans, and the ultimate objects (points in point files, ways in flowline
files, and relations in area and waterbody files) are tagged with their fcodes.
This last feature means that other tags are frosting on the cake---it's trivial to
rewrite with different tags. Bsupnik's wise preference seems to be to simply
leave objects without regular osm tags in cases where the correct tagging is

Nevertheless ...

In Flowline files, why is

fcode 33400 (connector) is tagged waterway:stream rather than waterway:canal ?

fcode 46000 (Stream/River no attributes) is not tagged, rather than
waterway:stream ? (Other Stream/River fcodes are tagged waterway:stream.)

fcode 46007 (Stream/River ephemeral) is tagged just waterway:stream, rather than
waterway:stream intermittent:yes ?

In Waterbodies files, why is

fcode 39001 (Lake/pond intermittent) tagged natural:water
occurrence:intermittent, rather than natural:water intermittent:yes ?

All of the other intermittent tags that I have run across in the bsupnik nhd files
follow the more common usage (judging by taginfo) intermittent:yes rather than occurrence:intermittent.

fcode 46600 (Swamp/Marsh no attribute) is tagged natural:wetland, but
fcode 46601 (Swamp/Marsh intermittent) is not tagged, and
fcode 46602 (Swamp/Marsh perennial) is not tagged.

Why not tag all three natural:wetland with intermittent:yes added to 46601 ?

Thanks for your time and interest,


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