relaunched today. Head over to and
check it out.

It was high time for this update as our old site which served us well for
many years was overdue for an update. Our goal for the relaunch was to
 create a more compelling introduction to OpenStreetMap, lead visitors
faster to mapping, gain more flexibility for future improvements and to
create a cleaner presentation for our blog posts.

Aside from a ground up redesign, the biggest change is the front page.
Based on an analysis of typical traffic patterns we have used it for a
quick 3-slide explanation of what OpenStreetMap and OpenStreetMap US is and
then we invite users to either start mapping or join the OSM-US chapter. We
show the two most important ingredients of OpenStreetMap: the map and many
of the individuals that make up our community.

The rest of the content is almost the same. There's a blog, there's a
community section, and an about section. The join section is still powered
by the old wordpress site, this is due to the fact that CiviCRM won't run
without a host CMS *.

The site is fully responsive, giving you a great reading experience on
mobile, tablets and desktop-type computers. It is built with Jekyll,
managed on GitHub and hosted on the benzene server. Comments are
powered by disqus.

Please post any feedback or issues you might find here or just send us a
note directly at Thank you!

A big thank you to @ryantroyford and @samanbww for site building, @iandees
for deployment and migration planning, and my colleagues from the OSM US
chapter board for reviews and guidance.


* is pointed to the actual join form as we speak.

Alex Barth
OpenStreetMap United States Inc.
Talk-us mailing list

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