On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 9:25 PM, Clifford Snow <cliff...@snowandsnow.us>wrote:

> On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 3:51 PM, Richard Welty <rwe...@averillpark.net>wrote:
>> ok, i found "report a problem" on the map view for housing units
>> in an area. i'll have to go find a map problem and report it via the
>> GUI so i can see the full cycle.
> I only found two notes for the Greater Seattle area. (Lucky me?)
> One anonymous reported a business name. The other looked like a mapper that
> was just saying that the tiger road data was sucky. (it was.) It would be
> nice to have the note say the source, i.e. craigslist, osm, routing
> program. That might give more clues to the problem. Plus it would give us
> data if we decided that the reports are useless and needed to modify the
> API.

Well as I said all craigslist notes will start with the words "bounds" and
a coordinate pair. But yes the thought had occurred to me that a created_by
tag like we have on changesets might actually be useful for notes,
especially when being created by 3rd party sites like craigslist. I brought
the idea up in #osm-dev and it didn't seem to get a good reception but I
may try again now that someone is actually using the feature externally.

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