This actually came up when we were talking about the shields last week. The
shields rendering is actually a full mapnik stylesheet, not just an
overlay. Phil pointed out that this is the only way to avoid conflicts. So
it is essentially a full mapnik stylesheet (from a few months ago
but it hasn't changed much recently) with the shields logic added in. It
could definitely be tweaked with more US-specific rules. Of course
osm.orgis about to move to a carto based stylesheet instead of the
XML that things are based on now. This is being done because the
hand-crafted XML is a pain to maintain. Not sure if we can port the shields
logic to that setup yet. But either way, yes there are definitely some
possibilities here.


On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 10:30 PM, stevea <> wrote:

> +1 to Martijn's excitement:  I, too, find this a neat and appropriate
> front for the us-servers to be serving up specific tiles about.  Good luck
> getting postgres technical glitches ironed out!
> While it sounds like Ian & Co. have your hands full, another "neat and
> appropriate front" which I believe was once discussed here for the
> us-servers were slightly altered versions of mapnik.  They might have
> experimental and new render rules (I believe we were talking about
> boundary=national_park and related matters a few months back). I'm not
> banging the door down about this, and I'm not quite sure how to word a
> specific request (maybe participate in a discussion about some
> possibilities, though, YES!).  More like "I'm still thinking about this"
> (funky mapnik renderers with cool new rules we agree would be neat to try).
> So, after highway shield rendering is solved and up, maybe this can move
> from back burner to front burner.  Think about it, folks: experimental
> mapnik renderings to do cool stuff with park boundaries, perhaps
> admin_level boundaries...your imagination is the limit.  We might start
> with a few small changes and see how that goes.  Might be a way to propose
> world-wide changes (only if they are consensus-based improvements) into
> mapnik, if we even want to go to such a place.
> If we do, starting a new thread ("Experimental mapnik rendering rules"?)
> seems appropriate.  If the us has servers (it appears we do), we just might
> have some interesting ideas to try out!
> Just (re-) throwing it out there,
> SteveA
> California
>  For those interested in highway shields:
>> Phil, Ian and myself put some more time in on getting shields working on
>> the OSM-US server last week. We actually got things mostly working but did
>> run into a brick wall. Unfortunately postgres 8.4 doesn't support how the
>> image data is being handled. The fix is to upgrade to a newer version of
>> postgres however that is a slightly complicated matter. Ian is planning
>> some hardware upgrades for the server in the near future which will
>> alleviate some of the issues. So as of now we are waiting on the server
>> changes/upgrades to happen before we start rendering shields.
>> But the good news is I actually got an instance up and running on a VM I
>> have been using here at home. So it is definitely possible!
>> Toby
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