After about a month of serious work, I am pleased to say that OpenCycleMap (OCM) is now a significantly accurate representation of the United States Bicycle Route (USBR) system, both as it actually exists today, and as it displays state-by-state proposals to AASHTO of further USBR applications now underway.

OCM also displays two significant national bicycle routes which are not part of the USBR system: the East Coast Greenway (ECG, which both shares and diverges from segments of USBR 1) and the Mississippi River Trail (MRT, which in Minnesota, is identical to USBR 45). These two quasi-private (not government) bicycle routes (ECG & MRT) are determined to be so "national in scope" that their inclusion in OSM's national cycleway network (as ncns) is asserted. The MRT may continue (as it did in Minnesota) to become USBR 45 in several other states, though there are no active proposals to do so.

Actual USBR numbered national bike routes display in OCM as solid red lines. Proposed USBR routes (ongoing proposal discussions at a state level distinctly moving towards AASHTO application as USBRs) display in OCM as dashed red lines. This was not the case a month ago, as dozens of routing errors were wrongly asserted to be national routes along corridors when there was no active proposal in those states. But now, as those errors have been (largely or completely) corrected, OCM can begin to be used as a valuable development tool for USBRs in those states which wish to press ahead to identify specific routes in the AASHTO-identified corridors. Further growth in the USBR network is both well articulated and facilitated.

This is a real feather in the cap of OSM. Congratulations and kudos to Kerry Irons of Adventure Cycling Association who tirelessly and patiently answered a barrage of emails over several weeks to facilitate this, not to mention is a font of state-level bicycle contacts and resources. Additional thanks go to Andy Allan and Sarah Hoffman who provide renderings of the underlying OSM data. Further state-level development of additional corridors to promotion of actual USBRs is now well supported by OSM/OCM being a valuable shared fabric for geographic-based discussion.

Sarah Hoffman's renderers at show only actual (not proposed) routes from OSM data, so her bicycling renderer provides an excellent contrast to OCM, which does display proposed routes.

While most of my effort here is completed, I welcome corrections, additions, plans for future growth and discussion on this topic, either in talk-us, OSM message, or email.

As OCM and now display USBRs from underlying OSM data, it is the dawn of a new day for nationwide bicycle routing in the USA!


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