"Clifford, of your 4 ideas only getting coverage in mainstream press would
probably be effective."

Hey folks,  just a quick note to be mindful of the way we're responding to
each other's ideas, and to be especially careful since as we all know,
tone is easily misread online.

(And thanks to Jason for allowing me to unfairly pull out one line from a
thoughtful message and use him as an example)
On Jul 19, 2013 6:11 PM, "Jason Remillard" <remillard.ja...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> Most people would agree that we don't have nearly enough people mapping.
> Clearly, transcending our early adopter types of GIS and open source
> software people will be needed. However, effective strategies for on
> boarding the next million people are going to be very different than what
> was needed to get the first say 100,000 people signed up. I know this is
> very un PC to say, but things like mapping parties/local chapters which
> were absolutely essential to recruit the first 100,000 people, really will
> not matter much going forward. Even if you get 100 people per mapping
> party, its 15,000 mapping parties, to get the next 1.5 million mappers! We
> need to be thinking about things that will scale to lots, and lots of
> people.
> Clifford, of your 4 ideas only getting coverage in mainstream press would
> probably be effective. Besides working on mainstream press, getting people
> using our data is *and* understanding they can come in and change it is
> probably our best hope because it scales.
> 1. Push back on high volume down stream data consumers that do the
> absolute minimum on working with us. For example, foursquare, who has 30
> million users, is doing an awful job supporting us. They have the OSM
> credit buried in a blog posting which a bunch of other items. They don't
> even mention that anybody can go to OSM to edit the map. Shame on them!!
> Cragslists, does a much better job. They have an OSM link on the bottom of
> the map and have a way of reporting problems on the map from their
> interface via our notes features. I am sure Cragslists has been drivings
> new mappers into the project. Other high volume consumer need to look more
> like Cragslists, and not foursquare, or Apple.
> 2.We just had a big thread on this on the main talk list, but we need to
> support using our main web page for using our data for finding stuff,
> getting directions, and for mapping verticals (hiking, golf, bike, trains,
> hunting, etc).  Just today we took a step in this direction, and enabled
> the ability to use the location services to find your current position on
> the main web site! Our second fund raising round, includes a computer for
> router, and more tile servers. It looks like we are moving in this
> direction.
> 3. Last bit, which we are also doing, is to improve our conversion rate.
> The new ID editor is pretty nice and I think will help.
> Its coming, I'm optimistic about our direction. But, we do need to
> understand that the project is at a new phase now. Even though it is lots
> of fun, getting together for mapping parties is not getting us the next 1.5
> million people.
> Thanks
> Jason.
> On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 10:59 PM, Clifford Snow 
> <cliff...@snowandsnow.us>wrote:
>> We have over 200 mappers contributing to OSM in the US driving us to
>> second place, but way behind Germany. Look at OSM Stats for the details.
>> http://osmstats.altogetherlost.com/index.php?item=countries
>> Second place is good, but I wonder what we could be if we made it our
>> goal to increase the number of active mappers. When you look at our numbers
>> against our population, there is a lot of room for growth. See the chart of
>> the top 10 below. The data was taken from osmstats along
>> with population data from Wikipedia.
>>   Rank Country Population Mappers Nodes Created Nodes Modified Deleted
>> Nodes New Nodes Per Mapper Mappers per 1M Population  1 Germany 80,493,000
>> 564 72992 40981 7174 129 7.01  2 United States 316,278,000 202 62036
>> 18103 23815 307 0.64  3 Russia 143,400,000 191 84192 17872 3008 441 1.33
>> 4 France 65,684,000 182 116333 14463 13497 639 2.77  5 Italy 59,704,082
>> 116 42873 10047 2603 370 1.94  6 United Kingdom 63,181,775 113 36210 4111
>> 2233 320 1.79  7 Poland 38,533,299 91 37578 4271 4112 413 2.36  8 Austria 
>> 8,464,554
>> 77 18564 4414 948 241 9.10  9 Spain 47,059,533 70 25214 3745 712 360 1.49
>> 10 Belgium 11,153,405 52 16430 2201 1670 316 4.66
>> I'd like to suggest that we adopt a goal of increasing the number of
>> active mappers in the US. I'm not sure how we accomplish it, but I'd like
>> to solicit suggestions and feedback. Lets set some target goals.  I think
>> this is a worth while project to work on.
>> I'll start by just listing a few of my thoughts:
>> We need publicity!
>> Increase diversity of mappers by attracting more women and minority
>> mappers
>> Support for local groups
>> OSM Ambassadors (Like Fedora Ambassadors if you are familiar with the
>> linux distribution Fedora)
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Clifford
>> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
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