Just as a note of interest, on my way to SOTMUS this year in San Francisco,
I'm pretty sure we flew over Black Rock City. I took some pictures out of
the plane window:
https://www.dropbox.com/sc/kfjpmgydqcser3v/tqkMPNPrCw(link to


On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Kathleen Danielson <
kathleen.daniel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I only know a little about Burning Man (seriously, just what I read in
> Cory Doctorow's Homeland), but mapping BRC makes sense to me.
> Is it on the exact same location every year? In that case it seems like it
> would make sense to update the map annually. If they are on different parts
> of the dessert each year, it would probably make sense to map each one, but
> once the city is torn down, modify the tags to indicate a past structure.
> The Historical OSM folks would probably have better guidance on the best
> way to do this.
> Either way, it seems like this could be a really neat way to preserve
> Black Rock City.
> Are any OSM folks going to be at Burning Man this year?
> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 2:25 PM, Clay Smalley <claysmal...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> So Black Rock City is mapped on OpenStreetMap... twice. And both are old
>> versions (the city as it was in 2008 and 2009). Anyone know why this is?
>> Should the two old cities be deleted and replaced with the 2013 city?
>> I have a feeling that this could be a fun publicity opportunity for OSM,
>> if we're the first ones to map out Black Rock City during Burning Man. Not
>> to mention that the kind of people who go to Burning Man would probably
>> rather support OSM over Google Maps, given someone tells them about OSM. It
>> brings in people from everywhere, so ideally they could go back to their
>> respective communities and possibly get more involved in local OSM mapping.
>> Just ranting a pipe dream. Does this sound realistic?
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