L. David Baron wrote:
> Should Central Expressway be marked as primary rather than trunk at this point? The existence of a traffic signal indicates that it does not always have right of way. Other sections of Central Expressway are grade separated with limited access and highway=trunk makes sense to me but not here.

I'd note that the entire Santa Clara county expressway system all
seems to be tagged as highway=trunk, and if memory serves, most of
those roads (e.g., Foothill Expressway, Oregon Expressway, Lawrence
Expressway) have significant numbers of intersecting traffic lights.
I think that section of Central Expressway that's grade-separated
(is it all but the northwestern end?) is actually unusual for the
system.  But it looks like the entire system is tagged as

Such a change would also disguise that there's a massive change in
the character of the road (loss of divider, change in speed limit,
and drastic change in lane widths) where it crosses San Antonio and
turns into Alma Street.

(If anything, the spot in the area where I'd question a
highway=trunk tagging is Page Mill Road from El Camino to 280.)

Santa Clara County Expressways (SCCE) have a colorful history. Their current incarnation is "Phase 2 of a three-phase plan to turn them into freeways" but voters have repeatedly voted down funding for the third phase. So, they remain in an odd limbo for California. I am of the opinion that for OSM tagging purposes, a systemwide (Santa Clara County wide) trunk designation is appropriate.

I used to drive Page Mill from 280 to El Camino every weekday (for a client). While there are MANY traffic signals, I'd still call it a trunk: it carries vast daily counts of traffic and critically links an interstate freeway and a state (non-freeway) highway. There may be other places in the SCCE system which might warrant being changed from trunk to primary (PM from 280 to El Camino included, now that I think of it), but those would really need to be examined on a case-by-case basis. Tagging "highway=trunk" SCCE systemwide is a good place to start.


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