Expenses for attendees are a concern in both places, we want to make sure
SOTM-US is as inclusive as possible and this means folks with smaller
budgets shouldn't be left out. We're running these numbers right now.

On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 3:46 PM, Darrell Fuhriman <darr...@garnix.org>wrote:

> >
> > at's right and we're very close to nailing down NYC or Chicago. We're
> about to hear back final numbers from a series of venues we've researched
> and reached out to. This will allow us to come up with a final budget and a
> decision on where to do SOTM-US in 2014. I'd love to keep focused on
> closing this down for 2014 in one of those two cities.
> Ugh. Well, I guess we know who has an expense account.
> Of those two, Chicago is preferable for being merely expensive as opposed
> to "Are you f-ing kidding me" expensive.
> d.
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