I'm just curious, but what's everybody's opinion on this?  I know it's 
acceptable for the Interstates (some are setup this way, some aren't) since 
they are all divided, but what about for US Highways and State Highways?  I 
know that we want to eventually have the cardinal directions in OSM for the 
routers so they can properly tell people which direction the of the highway 
they need to turn onto (like turn left onto Westbound US-30).

So, how do we do this and also how do we let people know that aren't part of 
talk-us about any possible change so that relations don't get broken after 
they've been converted into separate directions?  I mean, we can turn the 
current state relations for a highway into a "super" relation for each state 
once we create a new relation for each direction.  Also how are we going to 
name each relation?  Something like this:

US 48 (WV - eastbound)
US 48 (WV - westbound)
US 48 (WV - super)

Plus we can't forget to add in the "direction=*" tag in the relations as well 
as the "role" area (or should we just use "forward" there or even tag nothing 
there, and leave the direction in the tag area) as we can't expect the routers 
to get the direction info from the "name" tag.

So for detecting relations that get broken after they've been converted (we 
should do all the Interstates first, then US highways, and then State 
highways), we need a way to let dedicated mappers know when they've been broken 
(aka, a "gap") so they can be fixed quickly.  An idea of having a something 
automatically annalizing the relations whenever they are modified, kinda like 
the "OSM Relation Analyzer" [1], would work best IMO.  Except with this 
analyzer, it produces a RSS feed that will let people subscribed to it know 
that there is a broken relation that needs to be repaired.  And once it's been 
fixed, it will send out a new post on the feed saying that the relation no 
longer has a gap so people who see the feed later know it's been already fixed 
and don't waste their time checking to see if it has been fixed.  And the feeds 
would be separate based on the network type.  One for all Interstates (this 
would include the Business Interstates), one for US Highways (including the 
bannered US highways), and one for each of the 50 state highway networks.  That 
way, you can then just subscribe to the RSS feeds that you'd want to pay 
attention to only instead of being flooded with updates from every highway 
system in one feed.

If you guys want, later today, I could do a test US highway in this setup.  I 
would recommend US-48 in WV/VA as it's one of the shorter US Highways out 
there, plus it mostly a divided highway in WV as it's been built that way and I 
think it's completely un-divided in VA.

Also, on a side note, do you guys think we should remove the "symbol" tags in 
the relations from all the Interstates/US highways they show up in at the same 

So, let's get this discussion going!

-James (rickmastfan67)

[1] - http://ra.osmsurround.org/analyzeRelation?relationId=455420
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