On 1/5/14 3:21 PM, Sebastian Arcus wrote:
> I'm doing a bit of mapping south of Monterey based on some notes I've
> taken two months ago, and I've stumbled over this school on the map:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/36.31044/-121.88636
> A search on the Internet doesn't reveal anything called "Sur School".
> A search for schools in the area reveals some schools further south -
> but nothing close to where this school is on the map and nothing
> similar sounding. Also, looking at the satellite imagery, there is
> nothing close to this point on the map that looks like either a
> building or some remnants of one. There are the disused "Point Sur
> Naval Facility" buildings on the other side of the road, but we know
> what those are and they are not a school.
> I think the best thing to do is to delete this object. However, could
> someone who either lives in the area or has local knowledge confirm
> that this school really doesn't exist. All the evidence so far points
> to it being the case, but it would be nice if we could have "on the
> ground" confirmation before I delete it.
that's from the GNIS import. there is some good data in the GNIS import,
but there is some bad data and some out of date data as well. the
wrong/out of date stuff is frequently schools, churches, etc. best if
you can persuade a local to check it out, but the odds are that it
should be 1) deleted or 2) arked historic


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