On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 5:32 PM, Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch> wrote:

> And while I haven't updated my charts yet this year, I have already produced
> numbers for January and February 2014. January showed the largest increase
> in contributors in a month to date in the history of OSM and the second
> largest total number of monthly active contributors. Not exactly indicating
> that we have an issue.

I'm sure that we will find that the big jump in contributions in
January is due to the wonderful article(s)[1] that Serge Wroclawski
wrote.  Serge spoke of the importance of contributing data to
OpenStreetMap.  Serge is to be congratulated on very well executed
advocacy for the benefit of the OpenStreetMap project.

[1] http://blog.emacsen.net/blog/2014/01/04/why-the-world-needs-openstreetmap/

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