I have to say that I have very mixed feelings about Burning Man being in OSM.

While I think that it's interesting because the event is so large and
there's potential utility, there are two things that bring me a bit of

1. Based on past years, the data is added but not deleted. The event
lasts one week, so even if you were to assume that it took time to
remove the various structures, the majority of it is gone, if not
entirely removed from the landscape, then it's at least gone in
functionality by the end of the event, and thus needs to be removed
from OSM. Burning Man's website on exodus states that the event should
ideally leave no trace. The same should then be true in OSM- the data
for the event should be gone as soon as the event is over.

2. In OSM, we map things which are permenent, and Burning Man's
transient nature puts it right on the fence. If I saw a sign for a
"Weeklong Sale" on the street, I'd be disinclined to map that sign.
But then again, if I knew that a major road was temporarily out due to
flooding, I'd indicate it.  HOT mapping of temporary structures would
work the same way- I'd map them, despite being temporary. This issue
of permennce and prominence is somewhat of a personal call, but
because Burning Man is transient by design, it bears mentioning.

So if it's valuable to Burning Man attendees to add it to OSM, and
it's meaningful, etc. then I don't see a problem, so long as it gets
cleaned out of OSM afterwards.

- Serge

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